Info Kerja

 Vacancy for Research & Evaluation Specialist & Admin Finance Officer - Plan Indonesia

BE PART OF US..                                                             
Plan is an international humanitarian, child-centered community development organization without religious, political or governmental affiliation.  Plan’s vision is a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect people’s rights and dignity. 

Plan Indonesia is looking for a dynamic Indonesian national to fill the positions of:

 Research & Evaluation Specialist
( Jakarta  )

Responsible to ensure that best practices are incorporated into the program design and strategy and monitor program quality throughout the organization.  Provide technical support and advice to Plan staff and build their capacity.  Insure that learning takes place and is applied.


·         Master degree in area of expertise
·         Ten ( 10 ) years experience and five year in senior position in area of expertise in INGO
·         Good Strategic planning and evaluating skills
·         Strong analytical skills
·         Good command of oral and written communications
·         Good facilitation and negotiation skill
·         Good English skill both in oral and written communication
·         Good computer skill

Admin Finance Officer
Project Based inGrobogan, Central Java

Responsible for  providing all administrative aspects in project implementation. He/She will work closely with the team and Plan’s finance and administration staff in the Program Unit, Area (provincial) and Country Office level, Ensure all budget project is in accordance to the proposal (or as decision of Project Manager), Provide administrative planning of the projects (including fix assets/logistic), Provide budget planning of the projects (include budget modification request if necessary).


·         University degree in economics or management preferably accounting
·         5-7 years experienced in financial administration
·         Strong skills in teamwork, budgeting and developing learning in area of expertise
·         Strong English skills
·         Good computer skill

All applications will be treated in confidence. Only short-listed candidates will be notified and invited for interviews. Please submit your letter of application and detailed curriculum vitae in English by email not later than October 5 , 2011  to:
Please fill the 'subject' column of the e-mails in this format: (The Position)–(Your Name). File attachment not later than 1MB.

Plan is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified women are encouraged to apply. As an international child-centered development organization, Plan does not tolerate child abuse. If you would like to know more about Plan International please visit our website at
 The British Council inIndonesia is recruiting for the posts of :

A.     PROGRAMMES OFFICER (ENGLISH), Jakarta, 1 (one) position
B.    PROGRAMMES OFFICER (ENGLISH/EDUCATION), Jakarta, 2 (two) positions
C.    PROGRAMMES OFFICER (HIGHER EDUCATION),Jakarta, 1 (one) position
All positions will be offered IDR8,885,000 gross monthly starting salary and excellent benefits, for a fixed period of one year (renewable)

The post holders will work within the Programmes Team ensuring that our existing programmes are managed to British Council’s standards and stakeholders’ satisfaction.
Key duties of this post include:
·          Project planning & delivery
·          Project monitoring & evaluation
·          Communications and relationship management
The successful applicant will need to be able to demonstrate:
·          Evidence of at least 2 years of project management experience. Directly responsible for project implementation, financial monitoring, and reporting
·          Evidence of contribution to project design, proposal development, monitoring and evaluation activities
·          Evidence of effective team working experience
·          Excellent spoken and written Bahasa Indonesia and English
·          Willingness and ability to travel within Indonesia

Applicants who do not meet these requirements will not be short-listed for interview
A copy of the full generic role profile and an application form can be downloaded from our website at You should return a completed application form through E-mail: by stating the job title as the E-mail subject.

Closing date for receipt of applications is by 16:00 on Monday 26 September 2011.It is essential that candidates use the application form provided on our website. The British Council does not accept CVs in place of the completed application form and it is unable to respond to telephone enquiries.

The British Councilis committed to a policy of equal opportunity and welcomes applicants from all sections of the community.

We guarantee an interview to disabled candidates who meet the essential criteria.

The United Kingdom's international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity 



 *Lowongan Staf Administrasi dan Keuangan

Kami, suatu institusi implementor program sosial, sedang melaksanakanprogram kesehatan masyarakat di Papua, yang meliputi HIV/TB, Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak, Malaria dan isu-isu kesehatan kontekstual di daerah tersebut.
Dalam melaksanakan program tersebut kami bekerjasama dengan stakeholders kegiatan di lokasi program.

Kami membutuhkan seorang putra/putri terbaik Indonesia yang berpengalaman untuk posisi Staf Administrasi dan Keuangan dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

*Tanggung jawab utama:*

- Menyiapkan laporan dan merekam kegiatan program dengan skala bulanan, triwulanan, dan tahunan

- Manajemen kontrak

- Manajemen anggaran

- Layanan kesekretariatan dan keperluan-keperluan administratif  lain


- Minimal D3* *Akuntansi , Manajemen, Administrasi Keuangan, atau disiplin studi yang relevan

- Pengalaman minimal dua tahun pada program yang relevan
- Bersedia tinggal di lokasi program

- Memahami manajemen program sosial

- Memiliki kemampuan untuk mengembangkan Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dan pengelolaan anggaran

- Bisa mengoperasikan komputer dan internet

- Bisa berbahasa Inggris aktif dan pasif

- Pelamar yang pernah bekerja di Papua atau daerah Indonesia timur lainnya akan diistimewakan

Kirim CV, surat lamaran serta gaji yang diinginkan melalui email: *
kesehatan_masyarakat2011@ * paling lambat 30 September 2011 pukul 17.00 WIB

Untuk posisi ini kami menyediakan kompensasi beserta fasilitas dan tunjangan yang kompetitif.

F Pascaries,
skype id: fransiskus.pascaries

Dalam rangka melaksanakan tugas untuk memimpin, mengelola upaya penanggulangan AIDS, Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional (KPAN) membutuhkan:

I. 1 (satu) orang ASISTEN KOORDINATOR PMTS UNTUK REMAJA  (kode: AK-PMTS) Membantu Koordinator PMTS dalam melaksanakan program PMTS secara umum, melaksanakan rangkaian kegiatan program pengembangan PMTS untuk remaja dan melaksanakan semua program kerjasama yang disepakati sesuai yang tercantum dalam rencana kerja tahunan.

Kualifikasi AK PMTS:
1.       Pendidikan Minimal S1 dari Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Ilmu Psikologi, atau yang terkait dengan bidang kesehatan. 
2.       Memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang Penanggulangan HIV dan AIDS minimal 3 tahun, diutamakan mereka yang bergerak dalam bidang pencegahan HIV melalui pada Remaja dan/atau pencegahan penularan HIV melalui
transmisi seksual. 
3.       Memiliki pengalaman memimpin Tim.

(kode: KDB)
Membantu Asisten Deputi Keuangan dalam memonitor implementasi proyek dan bantuan. Mendukung pengembangan mekanisme keuangan, proses dan format agar sesuai dengan ketentuan laporan keuangan.

III. 1 (satu) orang KOORDINATOR KEUANGAN (kode: KK)
Membantu Asisten Deputi Keuangan dalam memastikan semua proses transaksi keuangan terlaksana sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku dan memonitor seluruh penerimaan dan pengeluaran dana secara komprehensif.

Kualifikasi KDB dan KK:
1.  Pendidikan minimum S1 Akuntansi atau Manajemen Keuangan

2. Pengalaman kerja minimum 3 tahun di bidang Keuangan / Akunting / Audit

3. Pengalaman kerja di organisasi internasional yang mengelola dana bantuan minimum 3 (tiga) tahun(KDB)
4. Berpengalaman mengelola traksaksi keuangan (KK)

Apabila berminat mengisi posisi tersebut dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran
dan CV (dalam bahasa inggris) paling lambat 1 (satu) minggu setelah iklan ini
ditayangkan dengan mencantumkan kode posisi: AK-PMTS atau KDB atau KK melalui
email ke



CARE International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional  activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit.

Indonesia in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara is currently recruiting the following

JOB TITLE                                     :FINANCE ASSISTANT
FOR RESILIENCE (PfR)            
REPORTS TO                                 : FINANCE OFFICER


The Finance Assistant contributes to
the overall performance of the sub office by ensuring that all disbursements
and receipts are processed correctly and reported on time.


Transactions Processing and
Melakukan proses transaksi dan

1.       Process advances (travel advance and
project advance) and Enter into SCALA.Proses uang muka (uang muka untuk perjalanan dan proyek)dan memasukkan dalam SCALA.

2.      Review and process travel expense reports (TER), project expense reports and enter into SCALA.
Memeriksa dan memproses laporan pengeluaran perjalanan (TER), laporan pengeluaran proyek dan memasukkan dalam SCALA.

3.      Process medical payments and enter in SCALA. Proses pembayaran biaya pengobatan dan memasukkan dalam SCALA.

4.      Prepare bank transfer letters and cheques.Menyiapkan surat untuk pengiriman uang dan cek.

5.      Process utilities and any other payments related to the operation of the offices in the province and districts. Proses semua keperluan dan pembayaran lainnya yang berhubungan dengan operasional kantor baik di propinsi ataupun di kecamatan.

6.      Prepare all procurement payments (PO and Non PO).Menyiapkan semua pembayaran untuk pengadaan (PO dan Non-PO).

7.      Process cash receipts from staff and ensure that they are deposited in a timely manner.Proses
penerimaan tunai dari semua staff dan menyakinkan bahwa dimasukkan dalam deposito secara teratur.

8.      Place 'paid' stamp on all documents that have been paid.Memberikan cap «Lunas» pada semua dokumen yang telah dibayarkan.

Financial Management and Analysis Manajemen Keuangan dan Analisa
1.       Audit petty cash payments (disbursement) and enter that in Scala after review. Memeriksa pembayaran (pengeluaran) kas kecil dan memasukkan dalan Scala setelah diperiksa.

2.      Manage the petty cash float by ensuring re-imbursements are made on time and disbursements are accounted for properly. Mengelola uang kas kecil untuk menyakinkan pembayaran kembali dilakukan tepat waktu dan pengeluaran dilakukan secara tepat.

3.      Prepare and submit monthly financial reports to the Accountant and Finance Officer.
Menyiapkan dan mengirimkan laporan keuangan bulanan ke Accountan dan ke Finance Officer

Custody and Filing

Pengurusan dan arsip

1.       Maintain a list of blank and signed cheques.
Mengurus daftar dari chek yang kosong dan sudah ditandatangani

2.      Ensure that all documents are filed properly and on time.
Menyakinkan bahwa semua dokumen telah dimasukkan dalam arsip secara tepat waktu.

Others /Lain-lain
Any other duties that maybe reasonably assigned by the Accountant and Finance Officer
Tugas-tugas lainnya yang mungkin ditugaskan oleh Accountant dan Finance Officer


·        Minimum Bachelors Degree in Accounting
·        At least one years working experience in Finance
·        Ability to work with computers and in particular Microsoft Office (excel and word)
·        Good communication in Indonesian and English, both spoken and written
·        At least three years experience working with international and local Non Government Organizations
·        Initiative, working under pressure and good motivation


Kupang area; Travel 0%

Please submit your applications before 26 September, 2011 to:

CARE International Indonesia
Human Resources Unit:
qualified applicants will be shortlisted"


Urgently Required-Health Manager, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world’s largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are active in over 186 countries. 
Find out more on:

Federation-Indonesia Country Office is looking for candidate to be based in
Jakarta, Indonesia for the post of :

Key tasks and responsibilities:
1. Support the PMI with planning and technical guidance for emergency health/public health response to PMI emergency operations in Indonesia, (assessments, interventions, early recovery and monitoring & evaluation). This covers a proactive role to the PMI emergency health services such as emergency clinical/medical services, surveilance and communicable diseases prevention, psychosocial support, food and nutrition (dapur umum) and possibly reproductive health initiative.
2. In the event of a disaster, support PMI assessment, planning, implementation and co-ordination of emergency operations as directed by the delegation. Also assist PMI to establish links within the context of the International Federation regional and global response mechanisms (FACT, RDRT, ERU) and determine the best use of such tools and resources, as required
3. Support the PMI with emergency health trends within Indonesia or SEA region. This will require engagement with Ministry of Health and other International Organizations, UN organizations and agencies, NGOs and relevant academic institutions.
4. Assist PMI in providing emergency health orientation/training to PMI local staff and volunteers, Federation and PNSs staff as and when required. This also require technical guidance to provide proper equipment to PMI medical action team.
5. Ensure that the delivery of coordinated, appropriate and effective IFRC supported response and early recovery programming makes full use of the National Society network to achieve greatest impact.
6. Work with PMI to maintain an up to date database on potential temporary staff and volunteers for deployment during emergencies. This needs a review to the current capacities of PMI medical action and PSS team.
7. Support the PMI to plan, assess or give training of community-based health program/project across Indonesia. This covers also supporting the PMI to link their CBHFA and ICBRR tool.
8. Support the PMI to plan, assess or give training of PMI malaria, dengue, HIVAIDS project across Indonesia
9. Support the PMI to their first aid skill development. This also include to advocate the Federation global road safety partnership.
10. Coordinate with PMI in developing appropriate work plans and programs in the line with the Federation S2020 and PMI strategic Plan. This needs a close coordination Federation regional and zone office.
11. Ensuring that the linkages with disaster risk reduction and development programming (to build community safety and resilience) are integrated into response and early recovery activities, tools and standard operating procedures.
12. Doing paper works and monitoring of funds transferred to PMI and visit the project areas as and when necessary as part of monitoring and evaluation framework.
13. Maintain accountability and actively responsible to delegated authority of signing some amount of funds according to IFRC finance and procurement procedure
14. Preparing accurate and timely reports in accordance with Federation guidelines

Qualification & Experience
* University degree
* Experience of writing narrative and financial report
* Experience of planning and managing budget
* Experience of emergency public health programs
* Experience of working for the Red Cross and Red Crescent
* Knowledge of health management preventive care
* Understanding of opportunities and constraints for health initiatives
* Strong sense of responsibility and control
* Excellent English Skills written and verbal
· Advanced skills in computers (Windows, spreadsheets,
word-processing, email and internet).
* Presentation skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia
* Valid driving license is preferred

Please submit your application letter addressing the above qualifications and
experience with your curriculum vitae latest on 25th September
2011 to:
Human Resources Department

Please indicate on the subject heading: Application for HEALTH MANAGER
Only short listed candidates will be notified.